Children sleep late risk of not reaching the appropriate

Children sleep late are at risk of not reaching the appropriate height and developing inappropriately.

Sleeping problems are another problem that many parents have encountered. Some children can sleep for a long time on their own. But there will be some people who have difficulty falling asleep. After falling asleep for a short time, they wake up crying and fussing, causing parents to worry that their child will not grow properly, be short, or develop inappropriately.

Because while your child sleeps, it’s a time when the body and brain are resting. The body secretes Growth Hormone that will help your child grow appropriately. Helps the various tissues in the body to be strong. tight muscles build immunity Brain development When the body is fully rested

Therefore, parents should not neglect their children’s sleep. You should check to see if your child is getting enough proper sleep. Because if you don’t get enough sleep, it can cause changes to your child’s body.

What is growth hormone?

Growth Hormone is an important hormone that the body can produce on its own. Acts as a stimulus to create and repair tissues in various parts of the body for the body to grow Growth hormone is therefore very important in childhood. Because it helps children grow appropriately. Strengthens immunity and brain development. When your child gets enough rest, they will feel cheerful when they wake up in the morning. The body is ready to perform various activities. Concentrate and have a good memory

 What time is growth hormone secreted?

Growth hormone is produced while sleeping. It is ejaculated in the first hour after a good night’s sleep, between 11:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. If your child doesn’t sleep well or sleeps late, especially after midnight, the body will not produce growth hormone.

How do you know if your child lacks growth hormone?

Growth hormone is produced well if your child gets proper sleep and exercise. When growth hormone doesn’t work properly In addition to the growth rate being less than normal. The child may also have a high-pitched voice. Short and chubby In males, it may be found that the penis is smaller than that of other children. In some children with severe growth hormone deficiency, low blood sugar is found. And it may also cause your child to have seizures from low blood sugar.

Parents should always observe the growth of their children.

If your child has any of the following symptoms: indicates that there is abnormal growth

  1. The child has always been smaller than the standard.
  2. Age range 4-9 years, height increase below the norm by more than 5 cm/year.
  3. Plot the height graph and see how low the height is for that age range.
  4. The rate of height increase within 4 years is less than 5 cm per year.
  5. At the age of 1 and a half years and up Undersized body size and when giving birth there was a difficult birth After giving birth, oxygen must be given.
  6. They are born small, such as weighing less than 2.5 kg and length at birth less than 50 cm.
  7. In the past 3-4 years I have never changed my shoe size.

How to prevent growth hormone deficiency

  1. Weigh regularly Always measure your child’s height. From birth, toddlerhood, school age to adolescence.
  2. Take your child for complete vaccinations to prevent various diseases.
  3. Be careful about chronic illness. And you should not allow your child to receive a strong impact on the head, such as falling or hitting his head on the ground.
  4. You should choose symptoms that are nutritionally sound. And eat food from all 5 food groups, emphasizing foods that provide vitamins and calcium that help strengthen bones.
  5. Get enough sleep. Because of deep sleep It helps stimulate the production of growth hormone.
  6. Exercise regularly It will help stimulate the production of growth hormone.
  7. Every time you take your child to the doctor, record your child’s weight and height in a health diary. Because the recorded information is very useful for pediatricians dealing with children’s growth problems.