Food poisoning, the most popular symptom during the summer

Food poisoning, the most popular symptom during the summer. It is most common among people. Most often the symptoms are mild. And self-mitigation within 24-48 hours, but should not be overlooked. The doctor explains that here means Diarrhea.  due to eating food that contains toxins caused by contaminated pathogens. It is the most common cause of diarrhea symptoms among people. 

Food poisoning

Most often the symptoms are mild. And self-mitigation within 24-48 hours, able to provide simple maintenance. By replacing water and minerals with potentially severe mineral sugar solutions. Until the need for saline solution at the hospital, however, it should be distinguished from other diseases. That require additional drug treatment.

Cause of Food poisoning

There are many different pathogens that can release toxins in foods. Such as drinking water, meat, duck, chicken, eggs, milk, seafood and dairy products, cheeses, rice, bread, salads, fruits and vegetables, etc.

When people eat food contaminated with such toxins. It will cause abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, many toxins resistant to heat. Even though the food has been cooked The toxin remains and can cause disease.

The incubation period depends on the type of pathogen. Some species have a 1-8 hour incubation period, some 8-16 hours, some 8-48 hours.